How we work
Our process
Exploring the problem
A successful solution to any clinical question relies heavily on the scientific evidence. We use a Systems Biology approach to gather all the information available and design the proper clinical studies.
Collecting the data
Because data is crucial, we collect high-resolution data from thousands of real patients.
As clinicians, we take care of the scientific integrity of the solutions generated. For this reason, our data collection is always oriented to a specific problem. Our databases are currently composed of more than one hundred million data points coming from thousands of patients.
Modeling the data
We use different analytical and modeling techniques, such as population modeling and machine learning approaches. Once the models are constructed, we evaluate their accuracy using our high-volume database of real patients.
Prototyping and validating the algorithm
At this stage, the models generated are coded into a software algorithm to be used in real clinical practice. We prospectively test our algorithms in order to complete all the regulatory issues properly.
The world evolves, so should patient care

Our solutions are algorithms using mathematical models embedded in software that can be implemented in different platforms, including clinical monitors, infusion pumps, and electronic health records. Our solutions are integrated by a processing system that receives and processes real-time clinical signals from patients, mathematical models/algorithms that perform predictions, and an intuitive display of predictions, which are updated continuously over time.
Our core solutions derive from the use of a powerful data analysis engine based on population analysis, predictive analytics, nonlinear mixed-effects modeling and data science approaches including Artificial Intelligence methods.
Our core solutions derive from the use of a powerful data analysis engine based on population analysis, predictive analytics, nonlinear mixed-effects modeling and data science approaches including Artificial Intelligence methods.

The Sedation Pack provides continuous patient information to the clinician on the effects of anesthetic medication during the course of the procedure, confirming desired expectations or highlighting potential dangers to come.

To be launched soon
General Anesthesia
The General Anesthesia Pack provides personalized patient information to clinicians about the effect of anesthetics. Like the Sedation Pack, the General Anesthesia Pack will minimize patient risk during the procedure, helping to avoid critical events and supporting proactive measures.

PDA monitor
PDA monitor
The Predictive Decision Assistant (PDA) monitor is equipped with the Sedation and General Anesthesia Packs. The monitor displays continuous predictions, 3-5 minutes ahead of time, of clinically relevant outcomes to assist in the decision making process. It must be connected to the anesthetic drug infusion system. Other equipment such as vital signs monitors or brain activity monitors can be connected as well, to improve the accuracy of the predictions and to personalize patient care.

Perioperative Transfusion
Perioperative Transfusion
The Transfusion Pack will assist clinicians in making transfusion-related decisions. The clinician will see the patient’s hemoglobin concentration, then receive the expected results of PRBC transfusion, all designed to increase patient safety.

Brain activity (EEG and cognitive function)
Brain activity (EEG and cognitive function)
The tools developed to explore and analyze the EEG signal will generate predictions on brain state, time to recovery and evolution of cognitive function (memory, learning, reaction time,…) as a criteria of patient wellbeing and readiness for patient discharge.
Predictive Monitoring
Real-time Predictions
Providing real-time predictions about the patient health status, give clinicians the ability to look at the monitor and see the future of their patient's health.
Improved Safety
Avoid adverse events by seeing them before they happen, for the benefit of patients and clinicians.
Personalized Care
Use each patient's specific health characteristics to predict therapy effects and avoid adverse events.
to be launched soon
See how our predictive software works in a simulated scenario